Friday, August 13, 2010

A Day at the Boardwalk and Strangeness at Barnes and Noble

Today we ventured down to the Boardwalk in Ocean City, Maryland. It's a 3 mile long boardwalk with food, shopping, beach, kites, an amusement park and probably a whole lot more I never saw. The water was cold and I'm not fond of sharks, so you can bet my happy ass stayed planted in the sand....

proof here

I don't have the cutest feet but that's where they were most of the time

So then we ventured down the board walk where I apparently need to learn how to take more pictures....but the coolest thing we found was this area for kites! Lots of them and they were really cool!

Using an actual camera would probably be better so you could see them...but you get the point.

Then OMG love at first sight....

Who needs a man when you have love in bag form

To end my day I feel like a certifiable city chick by heading to the nearest Barnes and Noble for internet access and Starbuck goodness...45 minutes away! I needs my Earl Grey Latte and WiFi though. So what do I come across? Two very strange things...

1. I end up sitting next to a man who freakishly looks like an ex-boyfriend of mine from high school. Like height, shape, face, the whole gettup. Even weirder - he has the same computer as me lol. 
2. A woman who feels the need to discuss her sex life with her husband in the middle of about 10 people. Take it outside people...sheesh!

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