Wednesday, August 11, 2010

2nd Trip to the City

Yesterday we went to New York City for well the 2nd time...but this time on purpose lol. Talk about amazing! Of course you want to stop and look and just soak it up, but then you'll most likely get ran over. These women in heels I'm telling you...I don't know how they do it. You can kind of tell who works there and whose a tourist. I was obviously a tourist with tennis shoes and a backpack, but oh well :P

Well we saw a lot of things in the time we were there. We saw the Empire State Building, glimpses of the Chrysler Building, Central Park, Times Square, Rockefellar Center, St. Patrick's Church and probably other things I did not even realize. What was my favorite party? Probably Times Square. I loved all the different people there, and of course the Naked Cowboys were a nice touch lol. The lights are amazing too..I wish I could see it at night.

I think I was all ready tired just from my 24 hours of driving the last few days, so it was difficult to keep up with the pace of New York. All I can say is wear walking shoes and bring lots of water...dignity and shame be damned. You'll look like a tourist - just get over it. The blood on my sock, though not much, from a blister I earned taught me that lesson (and I was wearing tennis shoes go figure). Anyway, here are some pictures from the adventure:

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